Economic Settings: Processing

An explanation of fields and properties

Economic Settings: Processing

To access this dialog:

  • In the Economic Settings dialog, select an ore type's processing method.

This tab, part of the Economic Settings dialog, is used to define the processing costs for previously defined ore types. Note that it is not essential for all of the previously defined processing methods to be defined before closing this dialog, although you will need to populate all fields before generating an economic model.

Field Details:

Mining CAF (Mining Cost Adjustment Factor): mining costs of this type of rock are adjusted by multiplying by this parameter.

Rehabilitation cost: unit costs of rehabilitating this rock type if mined as waste. The rehabilitation costs will be added to mining costs of all parcels dumped as waste. The rehabilitation costs do not affect mining costs of processed blocks.

Defined Methods: previously defined processing methods for this or other rock types. The parameters of the selected method will be copied to the next method added to method list.

Methods: add, edit, delete, change the order of processing methods. The order of the processing methods as laid out in the list is important where a cut-off grade 'test' is used (as defined on

the Prices panel); the highest cut-off grade method should be at the top of the list followed by the remaining methods in order of decreasing COG.

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Parameters: edit parameters of a selected method. When clicked, this button displays the Economic Settings: Processing Costs dialog

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